Monday, January 28, 2008

Raymond Gregory

Ray's new CD is coming out soon and he asked me to take pics for the cover. He wanted a clean studio look so we set up the lights and here's the result. You look like a rock star to me Ray!
Thanks to his wife Erin for being his inspiration during this session! We are all looking forward to an on location shoot in the coming stay tuned.
In the meantime check out his myspace page


Debbie said...

Really LOVE #2, 4 and 5. He looks really great and the light is cool.

Summer! said...

OMG!! i love them all espiacally since he's my brother but still really great pics u did a great job Mrs. Watkins

Dawn Malone said...

You rocked another one! :)

Mariann said...

Cool pics. ..way cool~~~
Su-pah job ,Crissy !!

Jeanette said...

Fabulous light! My fav is #3 for sure, awesome job!